How to Correct Misaligned Teeth Using Invisalign Treatment?

How to Correct Misaligned Teeth using Invisalign Treatment

Malocclusion, another name for misaligned teeth, is a common dental condition that impacts millions of people worldwide. This problem develops when the teeth are misaligned, giving the appearance that they are crooked, crowded, or protruding. Having misaligned teeth increases your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and trouble cleaning in between your teeth. Also, having misaligned teeth can lower someone’s self-confidence and make them self-conscious when smiling.


Many factors, such as heredity, thumb sucking, mouth breathing, and other oral behaviors, might result in misaligned teeth. Injuries to the jaw or face, premature or late loss of baby teeth, and ineffective orthodontic therapy are some causes.


The severity of the issue can affect the signs of misaligned teeth. Some telltale symptoms include:

  • Jutting or crooked teeth
  • Teeth being crowded
  • Spacing between teeth or gaps
  • Have issues biting or chewing
  • Speech impediments
  • Mouth breathing
  • Teeth clenching or grinding

Appropriate Dental Treatment

The most suitable course of action will depend on the patient’s preferences and how severe the misalignment is. Orthodontic treatment is just one form of treatment that dentists and dental specialists can recommend to address misaligned teeth. With traditional braces and clear aligners in particular, teeth are slowly coaxed into the proper position using either wire brackets and archwires or plastic trays. 

After using braces or clear aligners, retainers are frequently used to keep the teeth in their new positions. They are worn at night and may lessen the likelihood that the teeth may reposition themselves.

Fixing a Malocclusion with Invisalign

Invisalign, arguably the most popular and well-known type of clear aligner therapy, is an especially great option to consider when it comes to addressing your smile. Outlined below are the steps involved in this form of treatment:

1. Consultation and treatment plan

A consultation with a dentist experienced in using Invisalign is the initial step in using this treatment to straighten misaligned teeth. The dentist or orthodontist will assess your teeth during this appointment and develop a treatment strategy based on your unique requirements and objectives. Your teeth will be captured in pictures and X-rays, and using sophisticated software, a 3D digital model of your teeth will be created. A number of personalized aligners will be made using this concept.

2. Customized aligners

The specially made aligners will be made after your treatment plan has been established. To gradually reposition your teeth, a succession of aligners will be provided to you, each one slightly distinct from the one before it. The aligners are constructed of an easy-to-wear, nearly transparent, flexible plastic material.

3. Wearing the aligners

Before moving on to the next set of aligners, you would wear each set for about two weeks. The aligners must be worn for 20 to 22 hours per day, with only eating, brushing, and flossing exceptions. Daily cleaning of the aligners with a special cleaning solution or a soft toothbrush is recommended.

4. Progress reviews

Your dentist will periodically check on your treatment progress to make sure your teeth are moving in the intended direction. Also, they will provide you with the next set of aligners in the sequence. Depending on the severity of your misalignment, the overall treatment period with Invisalign often ranges from 12 to 18 months.

5. Retainers

Once your Invisalign treatment is complete, you will receive a retainer to wear at night to keep your teeth in the new position. The use of retainers is crucial to the healing process because they stop the teeth from slipping back into their pre-treatment positions.

Receiving Invisalign in Duncan From a Dentist Near You

Invisalign is a very successful way of treating misaligned teeth. It can help you attain a straighter, healthier smile and is a comfortable, nearly unnoticeable substitute for traditional braces. Contact our dentist in Duncan at Cowichan Valley Dental Group if you have an interest in Invisalign to set up an appointment and learn further about your options.
